Our life is returning to the old tracks. Coloring Circles is going well, at semi-constant speed and I’m thinking more and more about how to share and market it to public. There is so little time everyday I can put into updating site, writing posts etc. that it took me over a month to post this little illustration above. But I managed to setup subscription form for my newsletter.
In times when people are giving up with facebook and other social media, many artists are recommending subscribtions to mailing lists, as a way to stay connected with fans. Everybody is checking mails, right? And if there is one more in your box, from time to time, with a little drawing and a little story? It’s almost like a social media post, but without nasty algorithms or advertisment.
So here it is. Subscription form, somewhere in sidebar. I promise no spam, just updates on my projects (Circles of magic), drawings with stories from world of Erenn, thoughts and other stuff directly linked to fantasy, comics, illustration and storytelling.
Few words about this often underrated or missconcepted term we hear in many many tutorials from artists. Learning art looks pretty much like this – we pass by everything teachers say to us, trying to learn from their work instead of learning from them. All they say sound so simple, so we just take it as a natural thing. But many artists have to mature to learn the true simplicity, how it turns into elegancy and, later, into appeal. Learning is constant discovering of a true meaning of things we already know.
So I’ll just combine this idea into one sentence – thumbnailing is, holy shit, the best tool to create and save time. Don’t ask question, just thumbnail a lot.
If you add ‚holy shit’ before any idea, it makes it look stronger.
Have a nice weekend!